Answer: <em>This is the simplest rock paper scissor game that a beginner in python can understand:</em>
<em />
<em>import sys #sys module is for exit function in line 8</em>
<em>import random</em>
<em>import time </em>
<em>print("Hi!,Welcome to TEENS Rock paper,scissor,game")</em>
<em>name = str(input("What's Your Name? -"))</em>
<em>age = float(input(" Please Enter your Age :"))</em>
<em>if age < 13:</em>
<em> sys.exit('You are not eligible as you are not a Teenager.')</em>
<em>else :</em>
<em> input("can we start the game? :")</em>
<em>rules = str(input("Do you know the rules of the game?:"))</em>
<em>if rules == 'no':</em>
<em> print(" RULES: An easily memorised rule determines the winner: “Rock breaks scissors, scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock.”\n In other words, a player who chooses rock beats one who chooses scissors; scissors in turn beats paper; paper beats rock. This yields a winner whenever the two players choose differently.")</em>
<em> print("\nLoading..") #remember to Continue the game also after here</em>
<em> </em>
<em>elif rules =='yes':</em>
<em> print("Loading..")</em>
<em> time.sleep(1)</em>
<em> print("processing..")</em>
<em> time.sleep(1)</em>
<em> print("bringing Papers,scissors,Rocks...")</em>
<em />
<em>CHOICES = ['rock','paper','scissor']</em>
<em />
<em>userchoice = str(input("What is your Choice [rock,paper,scissor]? : "))</em>
<em>compchoice = random.choice(CHOICES)</em>
<em>print("Computer's Choice=",compchoice)</em>
<em />
<em>if userchoice == compchoice:</em>
<em> print("DRAW!")</em>
<em> print("Compchoice:",compchoice)</em>
<em> time.sleep(2)</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'rock':</em>
<em> print("Paper Covers Rock!!" )</em>
<em> print(name,"Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'paper':</em>
<em> print("Paper Covers Rock!!" )</em>
<em> print("Computer Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'scissor':</em>
<em> print("scissor Cuts paper!!" )</em>
<em> print("Computer Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'paper':</em>
<em> print("scissor Cuts paper!" )</em>
<em> print(name,"Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'scissor':</em>
<em> print("Rock breaks scissor!" )</em>
<em> print(name,"Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'rock':</em>
<em> print("Rock breaks scissor!" )</em>
<em> print("Computer Wins !!")</em>
<em> </em>
<em>userchoice = str(input("What is your Choice [rock,paper,scissor]? : "))</em>
<em>compchoice = random.choice(CHOICES)</em>
<em>print("Computer's Choice=",compchoice)</em>
<em />
<em>if userchoice == compchoice:</em>
<em> print("DRAW!")</em>
<em> print("Compchoice:",compchoice)</em>
<em> time.sleep(2)</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'rock':</em>
<em> print("Paper Covers Rock!!" )</em>
<em> print(name,"Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'paper':</em>
<em> print("Paper Covers Rock!!" )</em>
<em> print("Computer Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'scissor':</em>
<em> print("scissor Cuts paper!!" )</em>
<em> print("Computer Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'paper':</em>
<em> print("scissor Cuts paper!" )</em>
<em> print(name,"Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'scissor':</em>
<em> print("Rock breaks scissor!" )</em>
<em> print(name,"Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'rock':</em>
<em> print("Rock breaks scissor!" )</em>
<em> print("Computer Wins !!")</em>
<em />
<em>userchoice = str(input("What is your Choice [rock,paper,scissor]? : "))</em>
<em>compchoice = random.choice(CHOICES)</em>
<em>print("Computer's Choice=",compchoice)</em>
<em />
<em>if userchoice == compchoice:</em>
<em> print("DRAW!")</em>
<em> print("Compchoice:",compchoice)</em>
<em> time.sleep(2)</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'rock':</em>
<em> print("\tPaper Covers Rock!!" )</em>
<em> print("\t",name,"Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'paper':</em>
<em> print("\tPaper Covers Rock!!" )</em>
<em> print("\tComputer Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'scissor':</em>
<em> print("\tscissor Cuts paper!!" )</em>
<em> print("\tComputer Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'paper':</em>
<em> print("\tscissor Cuts paper!" )</em>
<em> print("\t",name,"Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'scissor':</em>
<em> print("\tRock breaks scissor!" )</em>
<em> print(name,"Wins !!")</em>
<em>elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'rock':</em>
<em> print("Rock breaks scissor!" )</em>
<em> print("Computer Wins !!")</em>
<em>print("\n\n\t\a GameOver !!")</em>
<em>print("\n\n\t\aThank you For playing !!")</em>