Because they were most likely looking for sympathy and weren’t FOR REAL asking what would happen if they shoot themselves. They probably thought you were being cold and selfish when you weren’t. Hope this maybe helps! :)
According to the text, <u>Power </u>refers to an individual’s ability to influence others to do what the individual wants, as well as an individual’s ability to resist the influence attempts of others.
Power is defined as the ability to influence the actions and decisions of others.
The correct answer to the question: Which professional tenet has the educator violated? Would be: Protecting students from any practice that harms, or has the potential to harm, students.
The reason for this being the answer comes from the very principle placed in the question: Principle II: Responsibility for Professional Competence: C: The professional educator acts in the best interest of all students.
In this scenario, specifically, the educator finds herself with the situation of a student that she has learned places that student in direct danger. He has to walk home every day and go through a portion of town where gang problems are present. Not only that, but she learns that her student has had to face fights with these gang members on several ocassions, which means that her student has faced not only harm, but the danger of becoming involved with gangs. Instead of acting as she should have professionally, which was to seek the best steps to help the student resolve his issue, she decides to only tell him to be careful and never says anything about the case. This completely violates her duty as a teacher to protect her students and ensure that potential harming situations are dealt with appropriately.
Answer: The correct Answer is B.F. Skinner.
B. F. Skinner is considered to be one of the most influential figures in the field of psychology of the 20th century. He was the precursor of the principle of reinforcement which is one of the key elements of the concept of operant conditioning.
Skinner considered and tested that all human actions "including the act of thinking" were directly influenced or were consequences of previous actions. Hence, human behavior is learned.
In this particular case, the text suggest that human beings have developed certain response tendencies and that we demonstrate certain consistent behavior patterns. In other words, that we learn to behave in particular ways which as we can see is one of the main ideas of B. F. Skinner.
As the exercise briefly describes, ethnocentrism is the act of regarding one's culture as the center of the universe and hence as the basis for all comparisons with other cultures. An ethnocentrist person would measure and judge any other culture against his or her own, considering their culture better and superior. They consider their values (such as language or religion) superior and better.