proteins are built from smaller units called and amino acids which are specified by 3 nucleotide mRNA sequences called Codons each Condon represents a particular amino acid and the each condone is recognized by a specific tRNA. have a nice day !!!!!!!
More like muscle contraction.
-Fossil evidence
-Comparative anatomy
-Molecular clocks
Biological evidence of the age of the earth includes fossil evidence, comparative anatomy, and molecular clocks.
-Fossils are critical tools in science because they give us clues to the types of plants and animals that lived on Earth in the past.There are many examples of fossils found on separate continents and nowhere else, suggesting the continents were once joined.
-Comparative anatomy is an important tool that helps determine evolutionary relationships between organisms and whether or not they share common ancestors. However, it is also important evidence for evolution. Anatomical similarities between organisms support the idea that these organisms evolved from a common ancestor.
-Scientists can use relaxed-clock methods to deal with variation in the rate of the molecular clock. By measuring the patterns of evolutionary rate variation among organisms, they can also gain valuable insight into the biological processes that determine how quickly the molecular clock ticks.
The correct answer is option a. "Plasmodial slime mold".
Plasmodial slime molds, are comprised of a single "supercell" with thousands or millions of nuclei within it. These organisms are formed by the fusion of multiple flagellated cells. The formation of these single celled organisms depend on the presence of enough food source. Typically, plasmodial slime molds have a diameter of 3 to 4 centimeters, but they can growth up to 30 centimeters.
Thymine, which is often abbreviated to T or Thy, can also be referred to as 5-methyluracil. It is one of the pyrimidine bases found in the nucleic acid of DNA, along with adenine, guanine and cytosine (A, G and C). These bases are the building blocks of DNA and life form on earth.
can someone help me on my most recent question, its math and its multiple choice