What is one reason why Thomas Paine says that the time for independence is now?
a. Because the British have vulnerable islands
b. Because the British are distracted by other wars
c. Because the colonies are young and United
d. Because the British have the old and cowardly generals
Answer: Option C
In the book common sense which was written by Thomas Paine, said that the time for the Americans to fight for their independence had come and they should fight for their independence because the colonies of America which were under the control of the Britisher colonists were united and were young.
So it was the right time for them to fight for their independence. He was not in favor of monarchy system also as the form of government.
Alien Act
If the crossword has 8 spaces (or 8 letters that can be put) and 2 words, try alien act. It matches the description and it fits 8 letters and two words.
That's an amendment, Hope this helps, have a great day
Answer: Between 70,000 and 100,000 years ago
Homo-sapiens began migrating from the African continent and populating parts of Europe and Asia. They reached the Australian continent in canoes sometime between 35,000 and 65,000 years ago. Hope this helps, Merry Christmas, and have a nice day
The Slinky, Elmer's glue, and Silly Putty, the 1940's also brought about the more menacing invention of the atomic bomb