c. Agent Lopez’s entire compensation must be recouped because Ralph disenrolled within 3 months of enrollment.
Health plans, such as Top Choice Medicare Advantage, provide a document listing all clauses relating to the plan, such as withdrawal deadlines, service agreements, reimbursement, among other things. In the case of Top Choice Medicare Advantage, there is a clause stating that the agent responsible for enrolling the client in the plan will have compensation restored if the client cancels the enrollment within 3 months. With this, we can conclude that, in relation to the case shown in the above question, Agent Lopez's full compensation must be recovered because Ralph annulled himself within the three month period.
Alexander the great conquered the land.
your welcome :))
Shana is a young girl who was in a bus accident a few years ago. Since her accident, Shana is only able to remember people she had met before the accident and instances from her childhood. However, she is unable to remember people she met recently or events that are currently happening in her life. She reads the same newspaper for several days without realizing that she has read it before. The accident has made Shana unable permanently store new information because she sustained an injury to her hippocampus. The hippocampus is part of the limbic system, and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, and in spatial memory that enables navigation.
1.Homer Plessy bought a first class train ticket and sat down in the ‘whites only’ section of the train.
2.Plessy was arrested for riding in a ‘whites only’ railroad car, because he was 1/8th black.
3.Plessy argued that the Act violated his 13th & 14th Amendment rights, but he lost in the local court.
4.Plessy appealed the decision and lost again, but took the case to the Supreme Court in 1896.
5.The Supreme Court upheld the previous decisions and said that racial segregation was constitutional if accommodations were equal. This led to more and more legal segregation all over the US.
True is the answer to your question.