It's european crusaders so it can't be India is located in Asia
A U.S. legislation in 1996 which requires employees and their family members to retain their healthcare services as they adjust or loose their jobs. The Kassebaum Kennedy Law's confidentiality provision preserves the protection of a person's medical records, which prohibits abuse of it.
It allows individuals the choice to access and update their health reports, and want to disclose their details with which are healthcare professionals as well as healthcare insurance firms. The legislation also provides provisions for the creation and maintenance of safe electronic medical records. Sometimes named the Accessibility and Responsibility Program for Health Benefits, and HIPAA.
The Framers chose federalism as a way of government because they believed that governmental power inevitably poses a threat to individual liberty, the exercise of governmental power must be restrained, and that to divide governmental power is to prevent its abuse.
Spain built "presidios" on the borders of New Spain to convert Native Americans to Christianity. These presidios were internment facilities, where indigenous people were forced to abandon their cultural interests and religions and convert to Cirstianism, adopting Christian concepts that should be followed at any cost. This was done because the Spaniards believed that indigenous people were not evil, but rather ingenious souls that could be purified if forced into Christianity.
they are realy going there to reid djd djdhd ejevd djd dbdvd dnd