The new humanism as a rnaissance interest lwd northeen european artists to create illusionistic images. The new humanism is an intense interest in the natural world whivh involves close observation of nature, modeling forms with light and shadow and atmospheric perspective.
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Answer: This photograph is by Dorothea Lange. Answer will vary but may include the following: This photo of a migrant mother has become an icon of the Great Depression. The expression on the woman's face and her cowering children help communicate the mood of this time. It shows the pain felt by all members of the family, and the despair felt by parents for the miserable lives of themselves and their children.
Fresco Secco. In the dry plaster or "fresco secco" technique, pigments are usually mixed with water, although other substances might also be used. The paint is then applied to a dry plaster wall which has been wetted down with water.