The Miller-Urey experiment is important because this was considered as the breakthrough in the study of origin of life, as to where and how exactly life began on earth and that it was possible to form organic molecules from inorganic molecules.
Blending inheritance leads to the averaging out of every characteristic, which as the engineer Fleming Jenkin pointed out, would make natural selection impossible if blending were the mechanism of inheritance.
DDT is highly persistent in the environment means that it break down very slowly in the environment. The half-life for DDT is from 2 to 15 years. Half-life is the time needed for the degradation of half of the compound. Persistent bio-accumulative toxic substances (PBTs) are chemicals that break down slowly in the environment and its accumulation in living organisms are toxic. Some PBTs are dispersed through air currents while some uses other environmental pathways, resulting in contamination of regions far from their points of origin.
Answer: It is called Parasitism.
Parasitism is symbiotic relationship where an organisms lives in or on it's host thereby feeding and causing harm on it host. Examples of such relationship is parasites like roundworm, ticks, fleas that feed on humans and cause harm.