My purple pen is out of ink
The two correctly cited sourxes are:
1. Bravo, Susana. "Amazonian Black Howler Monkeys: Seed Dispersers or Pests?" Biotropica, vol. 40, no. 8 (2008), pp. 71–76.; and
2. Martins, Marcel. "Pollination and Pollinators of the Amazonian Forests." Global Rainforests, vol. 19, no. 5 (2015), pp. 17–28.
These two are correct because they contain the title of the work, the title of the journal, it's volume, year of publication and the page where the work is located in the journal.
The correct answer is "select the best solution". After evaluating possible solutions, that is considering the advantages and degree of effectiveness of each solution, the following step is to choose the most suitable solution. The other option refers to previous steps in the creative problem solving process