Dear Friend
Coming into the United States as an immigrant from any part of the world, especially during the 1900´s is a real hassle and nothing like it was made out to be. To begin with, my expectations on what I would find and how my life would develop once I arrived here in New York deflated. Having come from Eastern Europe, and having had no money because of the depression and famine that hit Europe during the 1890´s, I was led to believe that once I arrived in America my life would change. I was approached then by a <em>Padrone, </em>recruiting agents from American companies that offer you jobs and a new chance in America and they offered me the world. But when I arrived, the reality was something entirely different. Because I am poor and couldn´t afford passage neither on first or second class, I was taken to the immigration port at Ellis Island, nothing more than a shack where millions of immigrants come every day. I was then detained for 4 hours while they asked me 29 questions, among which were, if I had family in America and if I had a job. But I was let go when they saw that I was no threat to them and their country. Because I was alone, I went out into the streets of New York and was faced with the stark reality. America was not as it was painted. I was met with unpaved roads, dirt, poverty, and also a lot of inequality between the poor and the rich of the city. Lots of factories and grime lined the small roads. Finally, I was found by a group of our fellow Eastern European brothers and they took me to their neighborhood. They have formed into clusters depending on their nationalities and state of life.
So prepare my friend, prepare well. America is a new chance at a good life, but it will be really hard to achieve and you must be ready for it.
#4 describe the hurtgen forest...
Wilson's leadership and tactical skills were sharpened in the hurtgen because of his previous experience with differing terrain conditions on the battlefield. hurtgen was a heavily wooded forest located on the German Belgian border he described it as a hundred square mile force of steep hills rough ridges and deep ravines. the forest had low visibility. wilson didn't think digging trenches was the answer I'm this location but he thought moving further up the hill because gullies were natural targets for German artillery and he was right because the area was soon shelled and luckily the troops were not there. he followed his tactical skills and he considered the dense terrain. he suggested that attacking in a column of platoons would work that way we can have our men closer together we can control them and we can defend better. Wilson relied on scouts and radioing ahead to other regiments to communicate about enemy.movement. He had his troops create fields of fire which allowed them to clear brush and cut off tree limbs that might otherwise obscure or obstruct their view of the enemy. The field of fire we're not large open Fields but rather small clearings and meadows that allowed them to be within the woods but able to fire out to the open area beyond. finally Wilson ordered that his company take the small village of gross house it was a key to rain because it was vital to their attack plans they took the town easily and chose an avenue of approach that was unprotected and surprised the Germans from behind the town function as a command post for upcoming attacks.
The correct answer is nº4.
A thesis statement is used to summarize in 2-3 lines the main argument that will be developed along a much longer piece of text that usually comes right after. In this case, in nº 4 describes very broadly the most important characteristics of the Industrial Revolution (IR) period, including both some causes and consequences of this process. The new technologies that were implemented to enhance the productivity of the manufacturing activities led to new production systems, that required different type of employees and a big number of them. Industrial workers lived in cities so there was an important shift of population from rural to urban areas, that could offer more job positions than the agricultural industry in the countryside. All this meant a great change in society and in the way of life of the majority of the population in industrialized regions.
The other sentences in this introduction paragraph only mention specific aspects of the IR process. In turn, number 4 provides a relation of the main aspects that have to be commented for sure if speaking about industrialization.