A directive access control is used to direct, confine, or control the actions of subject to force compliance with security policies. Some examples of direct access controls are: security guards, guard dogs, posted notifications, monitoring, supervising, work task procedures, and awareness training. It can also be categorized by how it is implemented; for example, it can be administrative, logical/technical, or physical.
Since you probably are looking forward to maintaining and repairing the laptop yourself after the warranty has expired, you will need to gain access to the product's documents and spare parts. For this reason, you should choose manufacturers such as Lenovo and Dell. These allow anybody to access their service manual on their sites for free while also letting available documentation about the way to dismantle their computers and other alternatives to buy spare parts somewhere else than their authorized service centers.
Experimental probability describes how frequently an event actually occurred in an experiment. So if you tossed a coin 20 times and got heads 8 times, the experimental probability of getting heads would be 8/20, which is the same as 2/5, or 0.4, or 40%.