Standard of Living
Generally speaking, we can say that the standard of living is a reflection of the financial security we have in the present, results from the choices we made in the past. Similarly, our future living standards will be impacted by the choices we are making today. The concept of standard of living refers to the material well-being and peace of mind that individuals or groups sincerely desire and seek to achieve, maintain if they are reached, preserve if threatened and recover if lost.
Knowing your standard of living is essential to maintaining or improving it. This is the first step so that you can look for the necessary means to preserve or upgrade your quality of life.
The two major rivers that flow through Iraq are the Tigris and the Euphrates.
religion and politics
People built religion and politics to form a functioning society with active citizens. While many believe that religion and state cannot be separated, most believe that the two should stand independent of each other.
The majority believes that regardless of different religious faith or political views, moral values should govern all human thinking and behavior within the society, and that each should have the freedom to pursue the truth and exercise his beliefs candidly.