Marxism was the source of inspiration for the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (RSDWP).
Marxism, named after Karl Marx, is a social, political, and economic philosophy which argued that capitalism had a disastrous effect on labor, productivity, and economic development and advocated for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism. The Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (RSDWP) was formed in 1898 to overthrow the Russian Tsar and achieve Russian socialism through the development of the urban proletariat. The party was led by Vladimir Lenin.
Attachment; Harry Harlow; warmth and comfort.
Attachment is the positive emotional bond that develops between a child and a particular individual. Harry Harlow conducted a classic study with infant monkeys. They were given the choice of cuddling with a surrogate wire monkey equipped with milk or a surrogate wire monkey covered in soft terry-cloth that did not provide milk. The infant monkeys preferred the warmth and comfort provided by the terry-cloth monkey.
In 1959, Harry Harlow conducted a classic experiment to study the behaviour of infant monkeys that were separated from their mothers at birth, so as to test the effects of the separation on the infant monkeys.
A deductive argument is said to be valid if and only if it takes a form that makes it impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion nevertheless to be false. Otherwise, a deductive argument is said to be invalid.
D. Mnemonic technique of creating an acronym
Celeste is trying to learn the series of steps involved in a lengthy procedure she needs to use in chemistry class. She takes the first letter of a keyword in each step and puts the combination of letters together to form a contrived word she can remember. Celeste is using the Mnemonic technique of creating an acronym to remember the steps.
To create an acronym, onr can take the list of terms or information he wants to remember and place them in order so that each word's first letters spell a real word or a composite word. An acronym is an abbreviation using the first letter of each word.
Mnemonic technique of creating an acronym to remember lists is to create an easily remembered acronym or create a memorable expression, take each of the list members' initial letters, in which the words have the same word as the content. Mnemonic methods can be extended to certain novel content memorization processes.
With respect to the steps of the scientific method, Franz is: Reporting results
A manner for experimentation that is practiced to examine notes and clarify topics is termed as the scientific method. An iterative process is a scientific method that includes so upholding up and recurring during this scientific method. To complete your science research you will report your results to others in a concluding report and/or display board.
Expert scientists do virtually exactly the same thing by issuing their final report in a scientific journal or by manifesting their effects on a poster or during a speech at a scientific meeting. Here based on gathered data Franz is concluding his research by delivering the result to the audience.