The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. James Madison wrote the amendments, that has the list specific prohibitions on governmental power, in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties.
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So Japan had a period of moderniziation (The Meiji Restoration Period) where they developed rapidly and managed to get a military and navy similar to the major powers. However, they weren't seen as equals to the Europeans. Now they weren't colonized because, they did isolate themselves but when they were forced out of isolation, they knew they had to modernize or they'll become like the Qing Dynasty (modern day china) and have imperial powers take advantage of them and there lands. So unlike Africa, Japan actually had a realistic chance of defending themselves from invaders, something that would make invading Japan costly. Not only that, but after 1900 it would be almost impossible to treat the Japanese like they did to Africa, as they rapidly grew a European like military and navy. Also, they were one of the 11 nations that sent troops to Peking in the boxer rebellion, which kind of showed how the Japanese weren't equal to the Qing Dynasty, at least in terms of military and navy as they were shown to be much stronger. Finally in 1904, the Russo-Japanese war begun, and while Russia had the largest army in the world at that time (in terms of troop count) the Japanese managed to invade Manchuria which was partially owned by the Russians at that time. Also, they destroyed the Russian naval fleet, ending the chance of Russia ever being able to invade Japan again (at least until WW2). So after the Russo-Japanese war, Japan was considered a great power, and most likely the next asian hegemony, which they were for a time in WW2.
Silver has been produced in Virginia primarily as a by-product of lead, zinc, copper and gold mining. Most of Virginia's silver production has come from the Virgina District in Halifax County, the Mineral District in Louisa County, and mines in Prince William, Goochland, Spotsylvania, Orange and Buckingham counties.
The slave trade was a practice whcih played a major rolein the colonial economy. It started when the African slaves were brought to the caribbean mainly to work in plantations, or in places were labor was needed, due to diseases and the mortality rate. At the beginning, the colonies did not really required large numbers of slaves.
The first colony receiving slaves was Virginia, which in 1619 received the first ones. This cipher grew up exponentially during thefollowing years,and it is estimated that by 1770,the numberof slaves was over 185.000 in Virginia alone, which makes it the Colony with the highest number.