The correct sentence is:
3. He tried to affect our vote.
The sentences we are analyzing here are testing our knowledge of words that sound similar but have different meanings, or words that have close meanings with small differences.
For the first sentence, the verb should be "lay" instead of "lie". "Lie" is an intransitive verb, which means it does not act upon an object. "Lay", however, needs an object. We lay something. The sentence should be: Please lay this book on the table.
The second sentence confuses "except" with "accept". Just keep in mind that "except" is related to "exception", which means to exclude something. The sentence should be: Please accept my apology.
The third sentence is correct. We must use "affect", which is a verb. Some people confuse it for "effect", which is a noun.
Finally, the fourth sentence uses "set" instead of "sit", but the two verbs have completely different meanings. From the context, we can tell "sit" is the best option. The person wants to sit down to rest.
A) No Change
'The pig squealed' already describes what noise the animal is making.
'Stomping feet' already describes what the animal is doing.
I think that your assignment is asking you to film something. Your teacher is leaving it up you to decide how to make that video. What it's saying is you can use one of the example ideas or come up with your own.
The growing uncertainty about the outcome of events