In the first major pioneering movement, settlers made their way to Oregon and California by way of the "Oregon Trail", which was also where many settlers would meet with relatives.
The Mayans empire was located in what was a thick jungle on the Yucatan Peninsula. while the incas could be found along the Andes mountains.
The government is doing their best to protect endangered species and one example of them is the Endangered Species Act. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted by Congress in 1973. Under the ESA, the federal government has the responsibility to protect endangered species (species that are likely to become extinct throughout all or a large portion of their range), threatened species (species that are likely to become endangered in the near future), and critical habitat (areas vital to the survival of endangered or threatened species). Once a species becomes listed in ESA's database as "threatened" or "endangered," it receives special protections by the federal government. Animals are protected from “take” and being traded or sold.
The primary goal of the Endangered Species Act is to make species' populations healthy and vital, so they can be delisted from the Endangered Species Act. Under the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service oversees the listing and protection of all terrestrial animals and plants as well as freshwater fish. NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service oversees marine fish and wildlife. The two organizations actively invest time and resources to help bring endangered or threatened species back from the brink of extinction.
It was significant because it was a disaster
After Mao won the Chinese civil war, he knew he had to move from an agricultural based economy to an industrial one. And so he did this by signing the great leap forward which forced everyone to work 24/7 without food and would be introduced with harsh quotas if they didn't work. This saw the death of 40-80 million Chinese people (A lot of results say 15 mil, 55mil, and more, but that's the best result I could find about how many people died during the great leap forward).