Skin is the Largest barrier agaisnt Pathogens which include Bacteria which cause infections.
It seems you forgot your options, but here are some things found in a chloroplast:
Granal thylakoids
Nukleloids (DNA rings)
Starch granules
Now, some examples of thing NOT found in a chloroplast:
Endoplasmic Reticulum (that's another organelle)
Our cells reproduce so that we may grow and regenerate, the process of cellular reproduction is also the basis for human reproduction. Cellular reproduction is a means of creating new life.
Most volcanoes form at the boundaries of Earth's tectonic plates. These plates are huge slabs of the Earth's crust and upper mantle, which fit together like pieces of a puzzle. These plates are not fixed, but are constantly moving at a very slow rate. ... Sometimes, the plates collide with one another or move apart.
It's about the size of our sun and called a Main sequence star