Ils se produisent à travers quatre étapes essentielles du développement animal précoce: Fertilisation: processus consistant à combiner un seul spermatozoïde avec un seul ovule pour former un zygote. Clivage: cycles multiples et rapides de division cellulaire mitotique où la taille globale de l'embryon n'augmente pas. L'embryon en développement est appelé blastula une fois le clivage terminé. Gastrulation: le réarrangement (mouvement) spectaculaire des cellules de la blastula pour créer les couches de tissu embryonnaire. Ces couches de tissus continueront à produire les tissus et les organes de l'animal adulte. Organogenèse: processus de formation d'organes et de tissus via la division et la différenciation cellulaire.
They occur through four essential stages of early animal development: Fertilization: the process of combining a single sperm with a single egg to form a zygote. Cleavage: multiple and rapid cycles of mitotic cell division where the overall size of the embryo does not increase. The developing embryo is called a blastula after cleavage is complete. Gastrulation: the spectacular rearrangement (movement) of the blastula cells to create layers of embryonic tissue. These layers of tissue will continue to produce the tissues and organs of the adult animal. Organogenesis: process of organ and tissue formation via cell division and differentiation.
"Z<span>ygospores form in the sexual stage and spores in the asexual stage" is the statement among the statements given in the question that describes these formations. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the third option or option "c". I hope that the answer has helped you.</span>