Answer: Thumbnail
Thumbnail is a representation of something by using a description, summary or image.
Thumbnails are simply the versions of either pictures or videos that have been reduced and can be used as placeholder for a multimedia content. A thumbnail that is used by a company on the internet gives the first impression of the product of the company to the prospective customers.
def extract_title(file):
import re
a =''
with open(file,'r') as file:
for line in file:
a += line
m ="^(TITLE)(.*?)(JOURNAL)", a, re.M + re.S)
The programming language used is python 3.
The function is first defined and the regular expression module is imported.
A variable is initialized to an empty string that will hold the content of the GenBank formatted file.
The file is opened and every line in the file is assigned to the string variable. The WITH statement allows files to be closed automatically.
Regular expression is used to capture all the files between TITLE and JOURNAL in a group.
The group is printed and the function is called.
I have attached a picture of the code in action.