The <span>element located on the top left of the Word screen is the Quick Access Toolbar. </span>On the quick access toolbar, you can find some of the common functions that you will need to use on a regular basis, it contains commands that are used most often, for example Redo, Undo and Save etc.
because if you throttle it then
you can make sure it's okay
data declaration means a variable which contain data value and it can be declared as integer, float, character, double, boolean (data types).
int r;
char name;
float g;
double k= 23.34;
Microsoft Word refers to a word processing software application or program developed by Microsoft Inc. to enable its users to type, format and save text-based documents.
In Microsoft Word 2019, the users are availed with the ability to edit the word document in the following view type;
I. View Mode.
II. Print Mode.
III. Drift Layout.
To easily and quickly convert text to tables in Microsoft Word, you should insert common separators between the text columns. The common separators or delimiters used when converting a table to text include tabs, paragraph marks, or commas.
Tabs or commas are used to indicate where the texts are divided into table columns while paragraph marks indicate where a new table row begins.