He planned to retire there
the poet emphasizes the loss of the village by saying that he planned to retire there. The Enclosure Acts had driven the people from their homes. The other option was for people to go to cities. Poetry leaves and goes elsewhere by the end.
Answer: She never said, Call the police. Neither did she sound genuinely threatened. Her demands were just. LET ME IN LET ME IN. She covered the peep-hole. I peeped out my window. I didn’t see the male but I heard him talking in a low voice. However, I saw a glimpse of her on my porch. She had on all black. I DID NOT open the door. I called the police. And as quickly as the commotion began, when they realized I wasn’t going to open the door, they disappeared into the night and it was dead silence again.
withdraw to or from a particular place. example would be my old teacher quiting her job bc she wasnt good at it
It is written in type of a letter however it’s not exactly a letter
A counterargument is an argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument. when used properly, counterarguments are useful because they strengthen your argument. it gives you a chance to respond to your readers objections before they are finished reading and it shows that you are a reasonable person who can see both sides of a debate before deciding your opinion. these points all help make an essay more persuasive.