Well history does show us some pretty cool heroes and some pretty bad villains, but some stories from history are not real for example Poseidon god of the see in Greek myth. Greek myth can be counted as part of history.
Ida B. Wells was a firm believer that many of the tactics used by whites against blacks, such as violent intimidation and lynching, was used purely to keep the black population from advancing socially and economically, and therefore advocated heavily for black and women suffrage in the hopes of eventually being able to change the laws.
<span>The New Deal<span>At Roosevelt's nationally broadcast inauguration speech, the new president denounced the "money changers" who had brought on the economic disaster and declared that the government must wage war on the Great Depression as it would against an armed foe. Roosevelt's liberal solution to the problems was to aggressively use government as a tool for creating a "new deal" for the American people, aimed at three R's--relief, recovery, and reform. The New Deal's most immediate goals were short-range relief and immediate recovery. These were the immediate goals of the Hundred Days Congress, which met March 9-June 6, 1933. Long-range goals of permanent recovery and the reform of institutional abuses and practices that had produced the Depression came as part of the Second New Deal, from November 1933 to 1939.
Hope this helps.</span></span>