B. Allied forces began to take the offensive for the first time in the Pacific.
The offensive on Guadalcanal gave the Allies an important foothold with a very strategic airfield from which to launch missions from in the Pacific.
The United States persecuted U.S. citizens.
The United States began to build up its military and to stockpile weapons.
2. During this time of political chaos, the Church provided order and security. concept of government changed. Loyalty to public government and written law had unified Roman society. Family ties and personal loyalty, rather than citizenship in a public state, held Germanic society together.
3. One of Charlemagne's main goals was to promote learning in his kingdom. He learned to read himself in a time where ruler's focused on the military. He provided education to all classes and founded many schools. Charlemagne's first goal was to promote learning.
4. But it survived the Frankish monarchy and remained the most respected title of a lay ruler in Europe until the Holy Roman Empire, as it was known from the mid-12th century, was abolished by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1806, a little more than 1,000 years after Charlemagne was crowned.
The Loyalists were the people who remained loyal to the British Crown rather than were in favour of independence.
The Loyalist were on the average older and partially also richer: they were better established and therefore a change would be a risk for them. This was their reason: they were afraid of change and of loosing their position.