In the past, developmentalists believed that human intelligence is Static, whereas now it is commonly understood that intelligence is malleable.
Human intelligence:
- The capacity to learn from experience, adapt to novel circumstances, comprehend and manage abstract concepts, and apply information to influence one's surroundings are all components of human intelligence.
- Humans are cognitively capable of learning, forming concepts, understanding, applying logic and reason, as well as the capacities to recognize patterns, plan, innovate, solve problems, make decisions, retain information, and use language to communicate. These abilities are all a part of intelligence.
- Humans are often regarded as the most intellectual species on the planet; humans possess large brains that are superior to those of other animals in terms of processing speed and cognitive ability. In actuality, during millions of years of evolution, humans have demonstrated a tremendous growth in brain size and intelligence.
Learn more about human intelligence here
The period between the extinction of the dinosaurs and the present day is called the Age of Mammals or Cenozoic
Similarities :
(1) The source of both the religion is vedic religion and both and indebted to Upanishads
(2) Both Gautam Buddha and Mahavir belonged to princely families and not to priestly families.
Dis-similarities :
(1) Difference regarding conception Moksha :
According to Buddhism, a man attains Moksha when he ends all the desires and can attain it while living in the world. But according, to Jainism Moksha is freedom from miseries and can be attained only after death.
(2) Means of attainment of Moksha:
According to Buddhist Sangha is proper for attainment of Moksha and they hate self-mortifications and severe penances. Jainism believes in fasts and severest penances.
Martin Luther King participated in the boycott. it was a campaign of social protest and it was a very important event in the civil rights movement.