At the level of 0.05% significance we can not reject the psychologist's claim. His claim is supported.
When a researcher undertakes a project to do research firstly he takes some random samples. Sample is definite a small group of numbers assume to represent the whole population. Suppose a researcher wants to do research on married couples to find the trend of divorce among them. For that reason he will randomly choose some of the couples and will draw conclusions that inter personal communication reduce the chances of divorce.
Now to establish this experiment as a fact he needs to go through a test of level of significance. Where he will get the result that his statement is established or rejected.
Klatzke (2008) in her research found that leave-takers craft different messages for different audiences upon their exit to facilitate certain impressions. This is because often times, leave-takers sees their exit from the company as an event that will not affect their future endeavors, such as leave-taker telling the colleagues at work that the reason for leaving is because of theie ineffective manager, while the may tell the manager, that the reason for leaving the company is for higher pay or new challenges.
If your choices are the following:
<span>A.When you were in school, you got to take a wide variety of electives, and you grew up to become members of the school board!
B.A poll of the student body shows that 88 percent of struggling students feel more motivated to come to school because of their electives. 
C.I am a straight-A student, and my art class is one of the best parts of my day. Without it, I wouldn't look forward to coming to school.
D.You might not remember this, but teenagers don't like being forced to spend all their time studying boring subjects.
So the answer, for me, would be </span>B.A poll of the student body shows that 88 percent of struggling students feel more motivated to come to school because of their electives.  This will give a proof about my claim.
because they can lead you to success or into failure. before letting someone in lead , see if they're capable of doing it