I think the answer choice is C
It suggest like in the text that he is an assertive person. It suggest that during the speech he gave he used a very bold straight forward tone.
More info. Is this from a book?
Some sounds are in contrastive distribution and others in complementary distribution.
The sounds [k] and [x] are contrastive,
[kano] 'do'
[xano] 'lose'
The sounds [ç] and [c] are contrastive,
[çino] 'pour'
[cino] 'move'
The sounds [k] and [c] are in complementary distribution. The palatal stop appears before front vowels, whereas the velar stop appears elsewhere. The sounds [ç] and [x] are in complementary distribution, like the stops, palatal before front vowels, but otherwise velar.
The reason George has warned Lennie against speaking to Curley's wife is because Curley is jealous and cruel, so once again, Curley is the one ultimately responsible for the circumstances that bring about his wife's death.