George could have been more concise with his report especially since the patient came in on a helicopter and is most likely emergent. An hour is too long for a report and he took up the nurses time, when Cheikh could’ve been with the patient.
Also, using complex medical terms may not be the best idea in an emergent setting because people might forget their meaning, or mishear the word as something else. Describing the state and history of the patient is much more effective than trying to sound smart in a critical situation.
The main<u> </u><u>difference</u><u> between a</u><u> TIA</u> (transient ischemic attack) <u>and </u><u>RIND</u> (Reversible ischemic neurologic deficit) is the time duration taken for reversal of symptoms.
The symptoms of TIA can last for about 24 hours and settle within a day. RIND lasts for more than 24 hours and clears within a week or few weeks. This means that RIND is actually a mini version of TIA.
<u>Perspective of the paramedic:</u>
Since both the conditions exhibits acute mini stroke-like conditions with reversal of symptoms, the perspective of the paramedic will be the same for both TIA and RIND.
The paramedics in the field should conduct GCS and FAST tests, detect stroke and its damage caused, should obtain other basic information at the field, and administer basic neuroprotective treatment modalities to save the patient from further damage.
<u>In the hospital,</u> for both TIA and RIND, the primary stroke management is to restore the blood supply to the brain through anticlotting agents like tPA injections or endovascular procedures
. The treatment can vary later according to the severity of the stroke.
Bactoprenol is indeed a peptidoglycan transporters that cycles monomers and places them somewhere at cell wall's growth point.
As bacitracin binds to this bactoprenol, the orientation of the peptidoglycan to the cell membrane fluidizes, allowing potassium ions to move from the protoplasts.
As a result of interfering with cell wall production and changing membrane potential, the bacterial cell is lysed.
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if it were me then i would just let her die but she needs to keep following up
if she doesn't follow up then she has a potentual to die