1. Vivaldi’s Summer is meant to create the impression of a hot landscape with a fearsome thunderstorm. What do you think of when
you hear the word ‘thunderstorm’? 2. Describe two ways that Vivaldi’s music portrays the thunderstorm. Please include at least one of the following musical elements: dynamics (forte, piano), tempo (fast, slow), melody, timbre (tone of the instruments)
3. What is your impression of the musicians and their performance?
There were a few advantages to being a boy in a society dominated by women. One. Jerin Whistler thought, was that you could throttle your older sister, and everyone would say, “She was one of twenty-eight girls-a middle sister-and a troublemaker too, and he-he’s a boy,” and that would be the end of it. Certainly if a sister deserved to be strangled, it was Corelle.
'Space' refers to the distance between and around furniture and objects and their proportions within a room. Getting the balance within a room just right relies on using both 'positive' and 'negative' space just right.