“The . . . man told him of great sums of money buried by Kidd the pirate, under the oak trees on the high ridge, not far from the morass. All these were under his command, and protected by his power, so that none could find them but such as propitiated his favor.”
Hope this helps, please give brainliest!
Social networks and the different media that collect public opinions lack in certain ways of certain filters that allow avoiding discriminatory, racist, sexist or bullying behaviors against certain racial, ethnic or sexual identity minorities. In this context, these media perpetuate discriminatory behaviors that, endorsed by the majority of those who think about them, end up massifying this type of thoughts, generating enormous damage to the minorities that are attacked, and establishing moral evaluations regarding particular private behaviors that do not affect third parties.
Angela and Veronica could not be lured into, mob mentality; they took a more rational approach and rather think things out and act independently.
No old friends.
Might get bullied.
Have to meet new people and new teachers.
New classes and subjects.