Answer: Bill should analyze his current situation and evaluate the level of resources he has in present.
Explanation: In the given case, Bill has 100 herd and 100 acres of his farm for pasturisation, since the question is asking the advice from the aspect of a sociologist so the cost - profit analysis will not be taken into consideration.
As per a sociology approach of decision making, Bill should evaluate the capacity of his land for carrying out the operations and should set aside more land if he wants to increase the level of his activities.
When the first question is asked. Up until then you could decide to walk away.
Answer: D. Combining and individual fund financial statements.
Explanation: Annual financial Report, the most common of this set of reports issued are general purpose financial statements that include income statement, balance sheet, retain earnings and statement of cash flow. It is a financial statement of 12 consecutive months in a year.
There are items that will be include such as Combining and individual fund financial statements.
Product adaptation
Product adaptation is when an existing product is changed or modified to suit customers need in a foreign market . The aim is to satisfy customers want all around the world where the products are exported to.
There are various reasons why products may be adapted, one of which is changing the taste of a product to meet the desire of customers who are based in other countries or around the world. It may also involve either changing the brand, colour etc, just to meet customers demand all around the world.
Other reason why a product may be adapted is to comply with local laws where the products are exported to.