Hello friends
Hope this helps you.
Include grand parents.
Nuclear family is a family group with 2 parents and their children. This is a type of family structure. It typically centered on married couple. This is in contrast to other family group such as single parent, extended types. Extended family extends beyond the nuclear family usually extended by grand parents. Usually they live under one roof. Certain family structure has advantages and disadvantages. This is also affected by the culture and way of living of the family.
Don't listen to the other answer (if it's still there) the answer is C. Winter
1) alternate, opposite and whorled
2) the primary functions Of the stem are to support the leafs to conduct water and minerals to leafs, where they can be converted into usable products by photosynthesis
3) stesms stores food, water, and nutrients. cells of steam , meristems, produce new living tissues. underground stem, aerial stem and subaerial steam are three different stem
4) the are six elements 1 nodes 2 internodes 3 terminal or apical bud 4 lateral or axillary bud 5 petiole 6 pedecel. while the two organd are 7 leaves and 8 flowers
5) roots = in botany that parts of vascular plant normally underground FUNCTIONS are anchorage of plant absorption of water and dissolved minerals and conditions of these to stem, and storage of reserve foods
well that took longer than expected