1. her 2. us 3. I 4. him 5. me 6. her 7. us 8. me 9, them 10. I
Nick said it because of his previous experiences which were not so easy to handle and that have transformed his thoughts so much that he considered that his future would be same as his past. He even didnt remember his birthday, indicating that his mind is well occupied by the menacing experiences and thoughts. Since he has turned thirty so now people think its time to settle but for Nick its still a road of struggle ahead of him
4. It sets a tone of disdain for the enemy and how fed up Kennedy was with the war at that time.
6. The questions are meant to flare up a feeling of patriotism in the crowd. It's asking the Americans to stand up for their country.
8. He's explaining that if Americans are selfish and don't try to help their country and people that are less fortunate then them then nobody will be saved.