1. Escort / accompany / help / assist / lead.
2. apocalypse / anti-utopia / h*ll / neverland.
In former President Obama's speech, he puts emphasis on the need for immediate action on environmental impact caused by society, he uses persuasive techniques by mentioning examples of environmental impact such as Fiji villagers being forced from their homes due to rising sea levels and melting glaciers in Alaska. It appears that he tries to appeal to peoples feelings and ethics by using pathos and ethos in his argument.
He also appeals to the audiences logic by using logos for example, his mentioning of uninterrupted job growth. While still being able to increase use of clean energy as opposed to unclean energy. And also providing reassurance that there have been successful cases of increasing use of clean energy. He mentions the Paris agreement and it's change for the better in the environment.
#1) A
#2) B
#3) Food webs come in many different organisms depending on the ecosystem. An example is when plants like grass get their energy from the sun by making photosynthesis. Then a rabbit eats the grass and eats the energy source. Then a fox eats the rabbit and gets the energy source. Once the fox dies, it decomposers decompose the body giving it nutrients to the soil so more grass can grow. But these are not the only food chains. Different ecosystems have different chains and can be long or short like in forests or oceans. Food webs are important for our ecosystems because without it, animals won't be alive by not getting any food source.
Hope this helps