This question is mostly based on your personal opinion and experience, so I don't think that I'll be able to help you with this question.
benchmark testing
BENCHMARK TESTING can be regarded as method that is devices in the measurement of set of repeatable quantifiable results which usually taken as a point of reference in comparing products/services in a company. A benchmark must be a repeatable one, and it's application is also found in result testing in comparism of the present as well as well as future software releasees along with benchmarks. It should be noted that To measure system performance, companies use benchmark testing which uses a set of standard tests on one system to compare its performance and capacity to that of other systems.
Retained earnings have no flotation costs, but have opportunity costs. For example, if companies distribute the earnings to shareholders, shareholders can invest the funds in alternative sources for returns.
C. What you earn on this security would not change as a result of the change in interest rates.
The increase in the interest rate will decrease the price of the T-Bill if you want to sell it to another investor, but what you will earn with the security will not change at all. Your earnings in dollars = interest rate paid by the T-Bill or any other type of bond.
If you buy and sell securities for a living, then a change in the interest rates can make you win or lose money, since the price of the securities will increase or decrease. If interest rates increase, the price decreases. But if you invest on a security to earn the coupon or interest rate that it pays, a change in the price will not affect you because you already own it. The opportunity cost of holding the security might change, but the accounting revenues will not.
The answer is: $2,300
To determine the ending balance of the account Allowance for Bad Debts of Blended Corporation, we can use the following formula:
ending balance = beginning balance - amount wrote off + recorded bad debts
ending balance = $1,300 - $1,800 + $2,800 =$2,300