The Patriot
In the movie, The Patriot, a 2000 American epic historical fiction war film, set up in rural South Carolina. Martin and Gabriel split up because they had different opinions on joining the war against the British. Benjamin Martin fought in the French-Indian War. He was haunted by his past and wanted nothing to do with the war as he wanted to live peacefully on his small plantation, His son, Gabriel wants to fight with Great Britain and he enlists in the newly formed Continental Army without his father permission.
Are there any choices to this question
they started trying to get their voices hread in 1929
The most important work was
Explanation: Warren completed History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution in 1805, making her the first woman to write a history of the Revolution.
Well, I read through my history book about The Tale of Genji, and found something interesting.
The Tale of Genji was an important book because it was the first novel written in Japan.