omg... that's really hard and i don't know what the answer is.
by the way, thanks for points
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1s2 2s2 2p4
1s2 2s2 2p4 es la configuración electrónica de la molécula de agua. En el agua, hay 10 electrones, dos de hidrógeno y ocho de oxígeno. La subcapa 2s contiene un máximo de 2 electrones, mientras que la capa 2p puede acomodar seis electrones. El átomo de hidrógeno pertenece al primer grupo y el átomo de oxígeno pertenece al sexto grupo de la tabla periódica. En la estructura de Lewis, un átomo de oxígeno está unido a dos átomos de hidrógeno en un ángulo de 104,45 grados. Existe un enlace covalente presente entre el hidrógeno y el átomo de oxígeno en el que ambos se vuelven estables. El oxígeno necesita dos electrones, por lo que forma enlaces con dos átomos de hidrógeno que tienen un electrón cada uno.
Choosing protein as macromolecule.
The given environmental changes can lead to structural changes in protein as well:
pH - Several amino acids contain sidechains with practical gatherings that can promptly pick up or lose a proton. Changes in pH would prompt an adjustment in the charge of the amino acids, prompting charge-charge attraction or repilsion between non-interfacing amino parts.
Temperature - High temperatures can prompt protein denaturation. Warmth can upset hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions.
Reduction or oxidation Environment - Some tertiary structure of protein folding is held by disulfide linkages. Reducing agent will lead to unfolding by introducing itself to break disulfide bonds.
Effect of these change: Sequence of amino acid and structure of protein molecule form determines function, any slight change to a protein's structure may result in the protein to become dysfunctional or produce different product.
Metalloproteases (MMPs) are a part of metalloproteinase enzymes family playing
an vital part in healing wounds such as physiological or pathological processes
and even in morphogenesis, reproduction, embryonic development, tissue
remodeling, arthritis, cancer and cardiovascular disease. MMPs are a product by
activated inflammatory cells (neutrophils and macrophages) and wound cells
(epithelial cells, fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells).
MMPs (MT-MMPs) is a subgroup of MMPs which is helpful in breaking down of
extracellular material as well as in handling of biological molecules varieties. </span>