I. Setting: a refuge in Scotland
II. Plot
A. Problem: Bruce was about to give up the fight against his enemy.
B. Action: Bruce watched a spider try again and again to reach its home in the ceiling.
C. Climax: The spider reached its home.
D. Outcome: Bruce decided to try again, and he finally succeeded.
III. Characterizations
A. Robert Bruce: He was the leader of Scotland. He fought bravely against the enemy but became tired, lonely, and in great despair. Later he was happy and successful. He became King Robert I of Scotland.
B. Spider: The spider was determined. It became dazed and faint in the struggle, but it finally succeeded.
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Jimmy Cross blames himself for Kiowa's death because he followed orers and made camp in the field, even though it went against his instincts, which were to head for higher ground.
players who don't have CTE often lie and say that they have is so that they can retire earl9
Id say it contains at least three clauses:two independent and one independent.
Compound complex sentences
Constructing Compound-Complex Sentences
A compound-complex sentence is comprised of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Example: Though Mitchell prefers watching romantic films, he rented the latest spy thriller, and he enjoyed it very much.