It is the most dangerous because obesity can cause health problems and can shorten your life span and ruin your physically and emotional well being.
the second one is the correct answer
Make treaties against countries
A common misconception is that ruthless dictatorships characterize communism. As part of Fidel Castro's revolutionary reforms, he nationalized<u> </u>Cuba's economy. Compared to Fidel Castro's presidency, today's Cuban government has<u> </u><u>remained much the same</u>
More about Fidel Castro:
At the end of the 20th century, Fidel Castro was the only non-elected executive still in power in Latin America. His personalist leadership style was closer to that of traditional caudillos than to what many would consider to be the hallmarks of a military dictatorship. Although caudillos could be civilians and represented a range of ideologies, "dictatorship" in Latin America typically refers to right-wing leaders who uphold their positions of power by using disproportionately strong military force.
Learn more about Fidel Castro here:
The Mongols were able to establish a massive empire due to their unique military tactics, their brutality, and their discipline. The Mongols used their unorthodox military tactics to their advantage in conquering neighboring civilizations, helping them to form their large empire