Pictograph is your answer
Consolidation and philanthropists. Both used systems of consolidation to increase their power and wealth. Carnegie used vertical consolidation meaning he bought companies that created all of the resources needed to create steel as well as raillines to move the steel. Rockefeller used hortizontal consolidation meaning he bought out rival companies until he owned all oil production in the country. Both men also used their wealth to give back to society. Carnegie donated money for libraries throughout the country as well as Carnegie Mellon University. Rockefeller donated to Rockefeller Center, the University of Chicago, and Rockefeller University.
It is different insofar that <span>it has uniquely American themes.They focused on exploration of the colonies and of the wild lands and the stories featured average American people and their lives. This is because the authors started developing their own art instead of just imitating what was happening in Europe.</span>
c. freed slaves returned to work for their former owners
the sharecropping system was designed to recreate slavery but not exactly slavery. Sice the ex slaves didnt know anything other than the work their masters made them do, they had no choice but to go back and work for them.
it created a confederation with weak central power. the articles of confederation were meant to be temporary, and therefore were not very well thought out. it had lots of faults, but the main problem was how weak the entire thing was