- quizlet
- study with parent of friend
- practice test
- dont wait until the last night to study
- maybe even cheat but not suggested
The correct answer should be locate basic information.
When you are doing the preliminary research, you are just reading through a bunch of sources and information that you may or may not use while writing. You still aren't deciding which exact sources you are actually going to use, but rather just trying to find them and later on make that decision during another stage of writing.
The way the author makes the story is what actually affects all of that
I left the big library book on the table.
To understand what peer presure is you have to under stand the meaning you have to know the meaning of peer. A peer is someone like a classmate a person that is invloved in your basketball class or football class is called a peer. Peer presure is bassically when a peer presures you into doing something. For example a "peer" tells you that smoking is cool. You dont want to do it however, They say something like dude if you dont do it your not cool.