Yeah! It’s really good. Did you write this?
B D# F# is the correct answer
If B is the root of the chord we know major chords are 1-3-5. the third note in the b scale is d# and the fifth is f#. I hope all is well, stay safe
The oldest known cave painting is a red hand stencil in Maltravieso cave, Cáceres, Spain. It has been dated using the uranium-thorium method to older than 64,000 years and was made by a Neanderthal
The dating discovery recasts ancient cave art as a continent-spanning human practice. A hand painted in an Indonesian cave dates to at least 39,900 years ago, making it among the oldest such images in the world, archaeologists reported Wednesday in a study that rewrites the history of art.
Spiral (From as far as I can see there are no spiral lines)
They made many discoveries and ways that we use today. We use measures, key signatures and more. They also inspired us to make new sounds.