The ratio of starlight to sunlight is much, much smaller than 0.5%. A value of 0.0000001% is far more accurate.
An equilateral<em>(D)</em> and acute<em>(A)</em> triangle
Answer: A.)
Explaination: its right ok
d. Reverser Hierarchical
Expansion diffusion is said to be when a particular trend is spread from it originating point to another point. It might be relocation diffusion whereby a relocating resident share his idea and practice to his/her new residence.
Hierarchical diffusion occur when a new cultural practice is shared to another people. Like in the case of Africa's adapting to white pattern of dressing.
Contagious diffusion is a kind of virus trend like in Nigeria where a dance pattern is transfer to a neighboring country like Ghana.
Stimulus diffusion occur when a people adapt an idea from another and modify it. Example ping pong(Table tennis) originating from Asia and modified by another .
Reverser Hierarchical is not a form of expansion diffusion
Increase i believe that is the awnser