I know the answer
Because the Holocaust involved people in different roles and situations living in countries across Europe over a period of time—from Nazi Germany in the 1930s to German-occupied Hungary in 1944—one broad explanation regarding motivation, for example, “antisemitism or “fear,” clearly cannot fit all. In addition, usually a combination of motivations and pressures were in play. For the Holocaust as other periods of history, most scholars are wary of monocausal explanations. Interpretations of individuals’ motivations fall into two broad categories: first, cultural explanations (including ideology and antisemitism); and second, social-psychological ones (fear, opportunism, pressures to conform and the like).
Western African Communities were completely destroyed
Advocates for women's rights, including Elizabeth Cady Stanton, met at Seneca Falls, New York., this occurred first
Answer: The position of the United States toward Latin America in the 1800s can be characterized as protective. Explanation: ... Instead it promoted the idea of expelling any European claim from the continent, in a doctrine that was called Monroe Doctrine, whose main phrase was: "Americas for the Americans"
Social Darwinism is happening in America today. Look at how the people were treated in the early 1900’s, the poor were looked down on all the time in the slums, social Darwinism is practiced more in secret nowadays, however, nevertheless, still happens