An educational excursion is a study trip or research trip, in which students leave the school building to develop educational and learning activities in a different environment, usually related to the subject on which the excursion has reason. Thus, for example, an excursion to a museum can be part of the curriculum of the history subject, where the teacher transfers his students to a different environment so that they can make direct contact with the topic to be addressed in class.
Excursions, in general, are excellent educational experiences, as they are efficient ways of establishing knowledge since the student relates the subject studied with the lived experience, which facilitates their understanding of the topic and their fixation of knowledge.
Answer: Conflict is when the protagonist (the main character) faces a problem that they must solve
Kant's distinction between guardians and minors is based on the propensity of people to dwell in their own immaturity and let others take care of them. Both guardians and minors are victims of this propensity; only, they are placed on the opposite poles. Neither guardians nor minors dare to think for themselves. However, minors almost entirely give up their intellectual potential, indulging in their own laziness of the mind. They rely on different types of guardians. For example, priests are the guardians of their souls; physicians are the guardians of their bodies; politicians are the guardians of their social order, etc. Basically, they are lulled in their comfortable positions of non-thinkers. We have to say, though, that Kant doesn't judge on people for being one or the other. He just proposes that they can rise above those passive positions with the help of enlightenment.
Among paragraphs 8-38, we can see that Mary did not prepare dinner, but got ready, prepared a drink for her husband and waited anxiously for him to return from work because it was Thursday night. This was a special day when Mary and her husband had dinner outside.
This question is about "Lamb to the Slaughter", a short story that tells the story of Mary, a very pregnant woman dedicated to the welfare of her husband who is anxiously waiting for them to go out to dinner. Mary has a very strong admiration for her husband, loves his company and feels good when he is at home. However, the special night was spoiled when her husband comes home and tells her that their marriage is over.