Roman religion was adapted from the Greeks.
No, because in command economies, there is no competition. So, there are no other repair services that would offer higher-quality repairs or cheaper equipment. Additionally, no incentive exists for the technician to provide high-quality service.
Farewell Address by Washington--this address urged the nation to avoid alliances and getting involved in affairs not our own. This set the tone for isolationism.
Monroe Doctrine--this foreign policy stated the US would protect the Western Hemisphere from European involvement and implied the US would stay out of European affairs.
The Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations would involve the US in world affairs and bring European issues to the doorstep of the US.
Terms in this set (12)
What happened to the Great Pyramid as Cairo increased in size and population? F It started sinking into the desert sand. ... G Fortunately one man, the archaeologist Zahi Hawass, made it his life's goal to restore the Great Pyramid and the smaller pyramids that surround it.
Owned land in asia (good for trading) thats a good one