Magna Carta
Magna Carta means The Great Charter.It is a document signed by King John in 1215 which made the king the subject to law which means the king had to follow the laws of the land and It guaranteed the right to individuals against wishes of the was the beginning of change from the feudal system to a more democratic system by having people demand certain rights.Magna Carta was important because it helped to establish that people have their rights and government power should be limited.v
I think the underlying cause was, the towns people didnt know why all the women where acting strangely (almost as if they were possessed) so they went to the one thing they trusted in most which was Religion and they assumed that the women were possessed and were Witches.
It would have been easy since there were no documents (I think) and most evidence was hear say.
The term diaspora is most directly linked to the scattering of the Jews to countries outside of Palestine after the Babylonian captivity.
The answer is A. They were planning on using the slaves to dig for them