In 1865 at the close of the war, he declared that slavery being abolished, his career as an <em><u>abolitionist </u></em>was ended
Persona non grata from Latin- an unwelcome person.
This term is usually used in diplomacy, when due to some criminal/political actions a person is prohibited to enter a country. For example if a member of diplomatic mission is caught carrying out espionage missions he can be labeled "persona non grata", forced to leave a country and cannot return.
Persona non grata can also be used in less formal situation, when someone is not welcome in society/community due to his behavior.
[ kon-si-kwens, -kwuhns ]SHOW IPA
See synonyms for: consequence / consequences on
the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier:
The accident was the consequence of reckless driving.
it is ALWAYS important to cites ALL of your sourses to avoid plagiarism. I normally at the end of my paper make a new paragraph and title it "Works Cited". type citation machine into google for more help writing a fromal citation. Remember most junior and high schools only allow certan citation styles but your best bet is either APA or MLA. hope this helped.
I found this I didn't want to give you the answer but i found the defintion that might help you
Direct characterization is when the author comes and tells the reader what to think about the character. Examples of Indirect Characterization: Jeff was a mean boy. Joe boss was stingy and rude.