see below hope this helps !
Asexual reproduction involves one parent and produces offspring that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent.
Sexual reproduction involves two parents and produces offspring that are genetically unique.
The result of the initial rotation of the cloud of gas and dust that condensed to form the Sun and planets. As gravity condensed the clouds, of angular momentum increased the rotational speed and flattened the cloud out into a disk.
Due to less steps and requires less energy.
The bacterial cell is able to use glucose first as an energy source then switch to lactose because glucose requires less steps and less amount of energy for the break down as compared to lactose. If lactose is the only sugar available to the bacterial cells, then bacterial cells will use it as energy source for the production of energy. In order to use lactose, the bacteria must express the lac operon genes, which encode the main enzymes for lactose uptake and metabolism.
They are easy to be addicted to
they can hurt your mind
they are so addictive that you use them so frequently (hence the word abusing)
mRNA bases are grouped into sets of three, called codons.