I hope i can help. I cant give u all of the work but here is a start, you may finish on that.
was born in December 1770, Bonn, Germany. Beethoven was a painter and a music
composer. I admire Beethoven because he did many things with his life, and is
now famous. He was a musician and an artist. His father was his first music
Mary Cassatt
was born in May 22, 1844, Allegheny, Pittsburgh. Mary Cassatt was a painter,
she did many self-portraits of herself. She was a great painter. She was
inspired by Edgar Degas. Some people say that Mary was Edgar’s mistress. When
Mary moved to Paris in 1800, she lived there until she died
It seems the most logical. A thesis is a theory to be proven.
One opinion says that hunting was invented by the people who lived
back at the beginning of people. I think it goes back even farther than
Every living thing that can move around goes hunting for things to eat,
and there were a huge number of living things that could move around,
long before people came along. Like dinosaurs, bats, cockroaches etc.
So I don't think you can say that hunting was ever invented. It was just
something that living things just naturally always did, like breathing.
<em>Hello, Your answer will be </em><em>To place emphasis on what is happening now. </em>
<em>What's a Modern Pandemic A pandemic is a global outbreak of disease. Pandemics happen when a new virus emerges to infect people and can spread between people sustainably. Because there is little to no preexisting immunity against the new virus, it spreads worldwide. Hope That Helps! </em><em>From Itsbrazts.</em>