90% of the native americans were killed because they had never experienced the flew and thought they were powerful with the weapons they had Made from tree bark and other materials the forest came to have.
Benjamin Franklin feared that if the colonists did not unite to repel the French and Indians, then the colonies would be forever "split," since the French would take more and more land to the east, along the coast.
I think it gave people more rights and it also gave certain people with certain standards the opportunity to vote. The English Bill of Rights also led to the Women's Bill of Rights which women fought for (not sure if it was successful), since the EBoR only applied to men.
"I am pleased to announce that a deal has been struck," Mr. Trump tweeted, saying there will be no "poison pills" added to follow-up legislation. "This was a real compromise in order to give another big victory to our Great Military and Vets!"
The agreement is on a broad outline for $1.37 trillion in agency spending next year and slightly more in fiscal 2021. It would mean a win for lawmakers eager to return Washington to a more predictable path amid political turmoil and polarization, defense hawks determined to cement big military increases, and Democrats seeking to protect domestic programs.
Lawmakers in Washington have negotiated a new federal spending deal, marking the first step toward avoiding a potential federal default on debt.
<u>The Industrial Revolution is a process of transition from an agrarian, manufactory economy to an economy dominated by industrial and mechanical production.</u>
The Industrial Revolution is a process of transition from an agrarian, manufactory economy to an economy dominated by industrial and mechanical production. Among other technological innovations, the use of iron and steel, new energy sources, the invention of new machines that will increase production volume, and the development of a factory system and a significant shift in the field of transport and communications (including the steam engine and telegraph) were particularly significant. Major changes have also taken place in the field of agriculture; it shifted to a wider distribution of goods, and all this resulted in political changes that reflected a rebalancing of economic power and significant social change.
The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom from 1760 to 1830, and then spread to Belgium and France. Other nations were late, but when Germany, the United States and Japan reached enviable industrial power, they far surpassed initial British results.